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Sharing our Magick

with the world

Our relationship with the Intelligent, Invisible side of Reality has brought forth talents and abilities within ourselves that we did not know existed. It is our great joy to use these gifts in the service of building a Human-Friendly Future. 


Scroll down below and select the best way we can assist you right now.

Blu Sol Shamanism
Ask the Ambassador™
Holistic Home Consulting
Quicksilver Video
Zennoa™ Zone
A Decade of Love (2012-2022)

Shamanism is one of the oldest and most effective paths to healing and wholeness available on this planet.  Alana Blusol is a gifted shamanic practitioner, which means that she has the ability to see into you and the challenges you are facing in life.  Her ability to "journey" to the unseen parts of reality can bring back pieces of incredible wisdom, guidance and healing for your own Soul's growth and well-being.


For more information, please visit

Rainbow Bridge Studios

Arthur Patrick Danu began his practice as a Tarot Reader shortly before the horrific events of September 11th, 2001, when he was still known to the world as Patrick Michael Mooney and making a living as a standout High School History and Religion teacher.


Relying on the ancient and eternal knowledge taught to him through the use of the Tarot, Arthur became the world's first survivor of the phony war on terror. Let him show you how to use the Tarot to find your own highest joy!

Ask the Ambassador­™ (Introduction) - Mooney / Danu
00:00 / 00:00

Magickal and Spiritual Awareness both acknowledge and appreciate the importance of a good, clean environment, whether in our homes or the businesses we spend a good part of our lives running.

Just like people can get "stuck" in bad situations, so too, can properties!  Alana Blusol can share her talents of working with Nature and the Invisible aspects of reality to clear away stuck, old, or toxic energy that may be getting in the way of your highest joy.


To learn more or to schedule a consultation, visit

Does your website need a magical look or a cool, esoteric logo?  What about professional looking ads for Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?  Have you stayed away from using audio and video on your website because of the very high costs and long delays in getting your message out to the world?


Let Arthur Patrick Danu, an executive multimedia producer with over a decade of experience in professional media production, show the FAST, EASY and AFFORDABLE way to internet awesomeness! 


For more information or to book a consultation, visit

The debate over affordable, effective health care rages all over this country and the world.  Regardless of where you stand politically on this issue, everyone can agree that maintaining our own physical health is the best way to keep our own health care costs down.


But wouldn't it be great to find a way to get and stay healthy and make some money off of feeling good about improving yourself and the world?  Welcome to ZENNOA™! This is your opportunity to re-imagine what's possible in terms of health and financial wellness.


Visit to learn more.



In 2012, Multimedia White Wizard Patrick Michael Mooney began casting a musical, magickal spell in response to the overwhelming and obvious genocide being carried out in the Middle East under the guise of a phony war on terror.


Rather than use his power and talents to lead a cultural revolution and political uprising, Patrick instead draws from the inspiration found in his cultural conditioning to sing a vision that will one day awaken and inspire his fellow, sleeping humans to the beautiful world they are too afraid to imagine in the present moment.


Using the power of Kokopelli Karaoke Kung-Fu, Patrick has successfully resurrected The Once and Future King of Holy Grail lore, Arthur Patrick Danu.  What does this mean for the future of all humankind?  Keep tuning in and supporting A Decade of Love (2012-2022) to find out!

In 2014, Alana and Arthur launched Rainbow Bridge Studios as a media platform for talented, inspiring artists with a strong vision for a human-friendly future and a conscious-working relationship with the Invisible Side of Reality.


Here you can find free downloads, as well as purchase, high quality, empowering audio titles featuring a unique blend of shamanism and Binaural Beat Technique™, learned from the world-famous Monroe Institute in central Virginia.  We have high quality art for sale, too!


Is the world ready for a Human-Friendly Future? After the 2016 Presidential Selection, we believe that it is!  Visit for beautiful things!

In 1998, High School History and Religion teacher Patrick Michael Mooney began to question the core beliefs that made him a Catholic and patriotic American.  Those questions were put to a serious test soon after the events of September 11th, 2001.


Faced with the challenge of joining the fascist, genocidal madness or striking out to seek the benevolent, divine love he always knew to exist, Patrick began documenting his struggle to cultivate Truth, Beauty and Goodness in his life and his world in 2003.  Along the way, he gained knowledge from The Monroe Institute and sources of ancient, natural Faery Magick.


In 2017, Patrick transformed himself through singing magick in Arthur Patrick Danu, The Once and Future King of Holy Grail lore.  You can follow the challenging, humorous and instructive narrative over at

Compassionate Mediation™

Alana and Arthur have not always been wealthy in money or material possessions.  But when it comes to love, they have literally found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!  What does it take to know and experience the love of a lifetime or several? Fearless, courageous devotion to Truth!  Is your love worth that much?


Compassionate Mediation™ is our way of holding space, and exploring with balanced integrity, the various viewpoints that provide both challenge and opportunity in loving, committed relationships.  A session with Alana and Arthur can identify and release blocks that are contributing to destructive tension in a relationship and begin to plot the course back towards a happy and fulfilling life.


Please be aware that Alana and Arthur are not licensed or accredited counselors or mediators.  This service is advertised as an exchange of time between consenting adults to explore, with the imagination, solutions to relationship challenges with open-hearted, caring and magickal people.

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